Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I had what I will consider a victory over the "hot new guy" last night. We happened to run into eachother after my meeting was over and I looked really hot (as did he) and he asked what I was up to for the evening.

Me: "Um, going home and probably doing absolutely nothing."

Him: "Really? You look like you're ready to go out! You wanna go grab a beer?"

Well of COURSE I did!

Silly boy.

I'm not one to waste a good hair/makeup/outfit day on just going home by myself when I could just as easily go have a few drinks and seduce a hot guy!

Truth be told, I was going to go to the bar anyway with my computer and seduce some guy already at the bar, but this one just kinda fell into my lap; why make my job any harder, right??

He really is an interesting guy. He's actually MY AGE!!! A miracle! We graduated from high school the same year! He's an old soul like me, and he likes things that people our age typically don't obsess over (that's how I am, too!).

So why do I consider this a victory?

Well, because he said he's go and have 1 beer. He had already had like 3 or 4 prior to meeting me, so he had a head start. He had 2 GIANT beers.

He told me he could only stay for a little bit cause he had school work--we were at the bar until at least 1am (and we got there at 9pm).

I don't think I paid for all of my drinks.

He came home with me and I got to do naughty things to him.

I win!

Boys are so easy. :-)

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